Specialist Homelessness Information Platform
Training Environment

This environment is provided for training purposes only. Do not enter real client information in this system.

It should only be used within supervised training sessions and under instruction of a certified SHIP trainer.

This system is refreshed every morning at 3.00am. Any data entered into the system during training is deleted.

About SHIP

Welcome to Specialist Homelessness Information Platform (SHIP), the client management system to support agencies in reporting for the Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) collection. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare is responsible for managing the collection

The SHS collection is an important national source of information on services that support homeless people. It paints a clearer picture of homelessness across Australia, which contributes to a better future for those affected.

For more details visit Specialist Homelessness Services collection, phone the AIHW hotline on 1800 627 191 or email homelessness@aihw.gov.au

Training Environment

Do not put real client information in this system.

Any issues or problems you might experience should be reported to your trainer.


For news from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare visit the AIHW Web Site

For news and updates on SHIP visit the SRS News Site

For news on information technology, the community services sector and digital inclusion visit the Infoxchange News Service